About Financial Unity
The Mission Of Financial Unity Is To Promote Collective Financial Development WITHIN And FOR The Global Black Community By Implementing Actions That Improve The Overall Financial Position Of Our Community By Supporting The Movement Of Our People FROM Consumers, Spenders And Laborers TO Producers, Investors And Owners.
(Inspired By The Mind And Work Of Dr. Claude Anderson)
Highly developed and secure independent economic and financial models amongst the global black community (Africans of the World; Africans of the Diaspora and the Continent; Historical and Contemporary Africans, people who identify as African Descent, Melanated people, Africans in North America)

Financial Unity for the Community Movement Provides
- information
- contacts
- financial guidance
- tools and resources
- a cause
- a sustainable model
- an alternative
- solutions
- high level expertise
- integrity
Our Main Goals
To build the Institution of Financial Unity to last for at least the next 200 years.
To develop communication systems for the purpose of financial information sharing;
To disseminate information relevant to the financial condition of the global black community;
To provide the platform to support exchange of financial resources, talent, and knowledge;
To support black owned businesses and programs throughout the African diaspora;
To provide exposure to available financial related resources;
To provide products and services to support independent financial organizational sustainability.